Saturday, June 28, 2008

Strawberry Confirmed Orders.

The orders for strawberries are as follows:
Julie 4 boxes
Chin Kuan 3 boxes
Moon Yee; 2 boxes since she does not know about it.
If this is the final order, I think should be able to deliver tomorrow provided I dont receive any more by tonight otherse if deliveries ere to be done bit by bit, it is costly as petrol is high.
Watch out for the van BHT3277.

By the way, do you known you can view a bigger picture by clicking on it.

For those who are interested to view Malaysiakini, where all the news are, especially which are not reported in the newspaper, you can use my password to log in to read the english news but please log out after that otherwise I may have trouble logging in again. Malaysiakini is a paid subscription. Happy reading.

User name: nylexsc
Password: 12345678

Happy ready


WY said...

thanks for the malaysiakini pass. :) never have subscription...till now ! yay!

Ju Vern said...

wow. thank you so much for the account details! am very grateful =)